Dribbling Cats
29th Aug 2023

Ever caught your kitty dribbling? There are several reasons why your furry friend might be doing this. In this newsletter we will go over the good reasons your cat can dribble, and the not so good.
Dribbling Cats
The good news is that there are great reasons why cats would dribble. It could be that they are filled with content. It could be a way of them showing you love. It could also be a sign that they are relaxed. Unlike dogs, cats are not known to dribble at the sight of food, but they can surprise you. It is not unheard of to see your kitty salivating over some delicious dinner such as PurrForm! So, no need to worry if you catch the occasional dribble here and there. You are doing a good job at keeping them happy!
In addition to dribbling due to a cat being happy, it can also be due to the fact it is nervous. Stress and anxiety can lead to drooling. If your cat is not used to leaving the house and one day has to be put into a car and driven around, it can stress the feline out and cause it to express its fear and anxiety through the drooling. However, if you notice that your cat always does this whenever it leaves the house, or when there are unknown people around it, this would be considered the norm for your specific cat. On the other hand, if it is not something your cat would normally do under stressful circumstances, it could be cause for concern.

If your cat is dribbling at an abnormal rate or amount, the initial step in determining the cause of a cat’s drooling is through an oral examination.
One cause for your cat drooling can be linked to oral disorders. Teeth and gum disorders are common causes for drooling in cats. Periodontal disease and the accompanying gingivitis, if severe, can lead to bad breath, difficulty eating, and drooling. Some cats experience gingivitis or stomatitis (inflammation of the entire mouth) of such severity, that they paw at their mouth, refuse to eat hard food, and may drool excessively. If the cat’s jaw is misshaped, this is called malocclusion (abnormal alignment of the teeth) and it can be cause for excessive salivation.
Oral trauma and associated pain and discomfort can lead to drooling. Broken teeth with resultant nerve exposure, a fractured jaw, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, are traumatic injuries that often lead to pain and drooling.

If the oral cavity is determined to be normal, other causes for drooling that should be considered, include liver disease, nausea, seizure activity, and drug or toxic stimulation of salivation. If they have licked or ingested some sort of toxic chemical or surface it can make them salivate. We recently wrote an article about causes for cat spew; in this article we mentioned it as a potential reason for your cats to drool. If they have been throwing up excessively, this can lead to drooling. If you help your cat maintain good oral health, it should prevent any of these reasons arising. Make sure you are providing your cat with the right food to keep their teeth and gums healthy and strong.

Another reason for negative drooling can be linked to Kidney failure. If a case is very severe and the cat develops ulcers, they can be very painful and cause your cat to dribble as a direct result from the pain. A good diet can help prevent things such as this.
Always be mindful of what your cats are putting into their mouths. If they happen to get foreign objects, such as string, or pieces of toys, stuck in their mouths, this could be another reason for your cat to drool.
In conclusion, if your cat is dribbling, the most positive reason would be that it is wholeheartedly loved by you and is showing its appreciation for you. If this is not the case, there are most likely underlying issues that must be diagnosed by your vet.
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