Purrform Complete Raw Diet contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals amino acids, and trace elements that your cat requires on a daily basis, to live a happy, healthy and contented life.
We do offer a breeder scheme. Once you have registered with us and provided us with your TICA, GCCF or FIFE Breeding Licence, your account will be approved by a member of our team, and you will be able to enjoy our breeder discounts.
A gift for your customers
Delight your new kitten owners by sending them a 10% Gift Card through our website, to encourage them to continue feeding raw. Once 5 of your customers that you referred, have made a purchase with us, you will also get a 10% Gift Card (and for every 5 successful referrals thereafter).
The discount is mainly applied on our 450g tubs, except our Tub Trial Pack. You’ll also be eligible for our loyalty points scheme.
Minimum order for breeders is 20 tubs.
Ask for our information leaflets on how to continue the raw food regimen. We feel that all breeders should look at the composition of cat foods when deciding on the best diet.
For instance, it’s particularly important that Queens receive optimal nutritional content. Our complete raw diet consists solely of raw meat, bone and offal in the correct ratio, to mimic that of a cat’s natural prey.
Raw is the key element, as any form of heating the ingredients can destroy the nutrients

Join Our Breeders Scheme
- Share a 10% Gift card with all your new kitten owners to encourage them to continue feeding raw.
- After each 5 successful referrals, you also get a 10% Gift card.
- An average of 20% discount across our range except our 70g pouches.
- Eligible for our loyalty points scheme.
- Minimum order for breeders is 20 tubs.
- Free delivery on bulk purchases *
Cats have a digestive system that is designed to consume a high-protein, raw meat diet. Their stomachs have a low PH with an acidic medium that digests protein efficiently and destroys pathogens from their raw prey. Unlike humans, they do not possess the enzymes to digest large amounts of carbohydrates or vegetable matter
Feeding your Queen a raw meat and bone diet could have many benefits, including a softer and shinier coat, increased energy, greater alertness and better oral health. In addition, the nutrients contained in the Purrform diet can give rise to stronger, healthier, plumper kittens.
Due to the high digestibility of the product, the cats will eat less and most of what they eat will be utilised by their bodies. This means they will produce consistent, smaller, more compact stools with little odour.
It can also help prevent many of the common diseases and health conditions suffered by cats. Foods that are not easily digestible may cause excessive gas (flatulence), loose stools/diarrhoea, or conversely, foods that contain too much bone or carbohydrate can cause constipation and longer-term health issues.
Purrform complete raw meat and bone diet is available in 450g tubs to accommodate breeders’ needs, making it an easier and more cost-effective way to serve both a multi-cat household and hungry kittens. The tubs are great for new kitten owners. Once the kittens get to around nine months old, owners can move over to the 70g pouches. These are easy to store and serve, and are especially suitable for one-cat owners.
We also do a weaning paste for kittens, See how your brood can benefit here:
- Highly nutritious.
- Starts them on the right path to a healthier existence.
- Promotes excellent condition.
- Encourages weight gain.
- Keeps them bouncing and full of vitality.
Our weaning paste is also beneficial for the queen and will help to put back on weight and build up any loss of nutrients lost during gestation and birth.
Feeding Purrform not only has many health benefits, but it is easy and convenient to thaw and serve. It is a complete, balanced and nutritious diet, high in protein, made with natural ingredients, and can be solely fed to your cats every day, without any additional wet or dry food.
In general, high-quality ingredients are more digestible and palatable than those of low quality, so it is possible to feed less but still providing your cats with the correct level of calories and nutrients on a daily basis.
Purrform raw diet can appear to cost slightly more than some other processed wet or dry foods but remember that a good quality food can have the following benefits:
- Easily digested, so your cat needs less and feels fuller for longer.
- Appealing to a cat’s taste buds.
- Only human-grade meat used, that is lean and nutritious.
- Better overall health
- Increased energy.
- Better oral health.
- Fewer appointments with the vet.
- Drier, more compact stools, meaning less litter
- Complete diet, so no need to feed alongside any other type of food
Should you wish to have any further help or information, please either email us or give us a call. We are always happy to help!
* minimum order to qualify for free delivery is 80 x 450g tubs.

Join Our Breeders Scheme
- Share a 10% Gift card with all your new kitten owners to encourage them to continue feeding raw.
- After each 5 successful referrals, you also get a 10% Gift card.
- An average of 20% discount across our range except our 70g pouches.
- Eligible for our loyalty points scheme.
- Minimum order for breeders is 20 tubs.
- Free delivery on bulk purchases *